MilkSource Genetics cows staked a strong claim during this year’s Wisconsin State Shows.
Among our highlights in the Jersey show:

Milksource Highways Honor wins Grand Champion, Intermediate Champion, Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show and 1st Jr. 3 Yr. Old.
Woodmohr Forever Faithful is Res. Grand Champion, Senior Champion and 1st 5 Yr. Old.
Milksource Reviresco Fantom is Junior Champion of the Junior Show and 1st Spring Yearling.
Highview Balin Journey is Res. Intermediate Champion and 1st Sr. 3 Yr. Old.
Milksource-FV Gentry Merci-ET is 1st Winter Yearling.
Goff Andreas Mae-ET is 3rd Senior 3 Yr. Old.

Meanwhile, at the Red & White Show, Milksource Genetics continued the successful streak:
Antia Absolute Joline wins Grand Champion, Senior Champion, Best Udder and 1st Place Aged Cow.
Milksource Tantrum-RED-ET is HM Grand Champion, Res. Intermediate Champion and 1st Sr. 2 Yr. Old.
Milksource Attica-RED is 3rd Place Junior 3 Yr. Old.

And, finally, at the Holstein Show:
Oak-Ridge-K Gchip Turbo is Res. Grand Champion, Intermediate Champion, and 1st Senior 3-Year-Old.
Antia Absolute Joline-Red wins Reserve Senior Champion and 1st Aged Cow.
Milksource Warior Klash-Red is Reserve Junior Champion and 1st Fall Calf.
Milksource Tstorm Chrome-ET is 1st Milking Yearling.
Milksource Attica-Red is 3rd Junior 3 Yr. Old.
Milksource Genetics won Junior Best Three Females.